Monday 29 April 2013

Bacardi Redbrand

For my portfolio I have decided I need a strong piece of branding work as many of my current projects are based around illustration or typography. I have found a live brief for the company Bacardi who are looking to rebrand their products to attract a younger age group.

I chose to keep the same colour scheme and focus more on creating a more interesting logo that paralleled the original.

Above are the set of colour schemes I created once the design was done, as you can see I created a more dramatic bold logo which I think fits the criteria well. 
Finally to give the project a professional look I put the logo on some cans so you can see how it would work on the actual product.

1 comment:

  1. Make mine a double.
    Very nice design and very thoughtfully put together.
    Have you approached Barardi directly ? You could b onto a winner here.
