Wednesday 8 May 2013

Presentation Skills

My last project involved pulling together my first professional portfolio which would contain about 8 of my best projects. I think I learned a great deal about how best to present work during this project, this advice can from my tutors and my own research. Below are some examples of the panels that went into my portfolio.

 It is very important to be able to present work in a way a potential employer will remember and that will stand out graphically.

I also this the analysis that went with each project improved my overall analysis skills, again I got a lot of help from my tutors regarding this.


  1. Totally cool !!!
    Very striking.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Please can you add some more recent works and blogs ?

  4. i really think you should keep this up you see im really not so good with all these programs such ass Photoshop and i came across your blog and i see the amazing talent with the art that you make!
