Wednesday 8 May 2013

Presentation Skills

My last project involved pulling together my first professional portfolio which would contain about 8 of my best projects. I think I learned a great deal about how best to present work during this project, this advice can from my tutors and my own research. Below are some examples of the panels that went into my portfolio.

 It is very important to be able to present work in a way a potential employer will remember and that will stand out graphically.

I also this the analysis that went with each project improved my overall analysis skills, again I got a lot of help from my tutors regarding this.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Talent Pool

Today I was given the option to improve my online portfolio on Carbonmade by adding my work to their new section called 'Talent Pool'. This new section of the website will better help employers find designers based around their specific skill sets. I was asked to include three areas of expertise and then add several pieces of my work to demonstrate these skills, I chose poster design, typography and logo design.

I think there's some chance this will help people find my work and get my name out there but if not its still a nice way to show people my stuff.

Monday 29 April 2013

Bacardi Redbrand

For my portfolio I have decided I need a strong piece of branding work as many of my current projects are based around illustration or typography. I have found a live brief for the company Bacardi who are looking to rebrand their products to attract a younger age group.

I chose to keep the same colour scheme and focus more on creating a more interesting logo that paralleled the original.

Above are the set of colour schemes I created once the design was done, as you can see I created a more dramatic bold logo which I think fits the criteria well. 
Finally to give the project a professional look I put the logo on some cans so you can see how it would work on the actual product.

Friday 26 April 2013

I was happy with the way my film posters came out and dicided to take thee style of my Skyfall poster and design another poster for Rooster Teeth, they took my typography tower and made it into a t-shirt so I thought a simpler design would be interesting.


Monday 11 March 2013

Digital Skills

First post in a while. A few weeks ago I finished my Digital Skills module in which we pulled together a group of design pieces through many tutorials. Here are two examples of my final pieces from earlier in the module.

I was able to produce a professional layout for my document which I think was structured in a simple format.

Thursday 7 March 2013

typography poster

I was asked by the company Rooster Teeth to design another illustration for them to use on T-shirts and posters so I decided it would be a good opportunity to try some typography based illustration work that I learned about in tutorials.

For this design I had to form shapes from blocks of text which was actually quite challenging. below you can see my final design.

Monday 25 February 2013

Here are my final set of film posters for There Will Be Blood for the Tyneside Cinema. I am quite happy with how they came out and I think the feed back I get from the Tyneside will allow me to change them if necessary.